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In my last post I told you that I would be sharing a blog about boundaries vs barriers. Hopefully you learned what barriers are. However, if you need a refresher, tap on the link to review.
In this article I will teach you how to identify and set healthy boundaries vs barriers. Knowing the difference will help you create happy, healthy meaningful relationships.
Like I mentioned in my previous post boundaries protect both you and your partner. Unlike barriers, which prevent people from getting too close to your heart, boundaries help improve your relationship. For instance: Boundaries, let your partner know what makes you comfortable and uncomfortable. Boundaries also let your partner know that a line is present, and not to cross it. On the other hand, barriers are invisible lines your partner does not know exists. Below are 3 steps to create healthy boundaries vs barriers.
3 Steps to Set Healthy Boundaries vs Barriers
Step 1: Be Honest
Honesty is the first step in creating healthy boundaries. Letting people know what makes you comfortable and uncomfortable can be pretty scary. Particularly if you are newly dating. However, your partner is not a mind reader. Therefore, by letting them know what your likes and dislikes are and why, you will save a lot of hardship.
Step 2: Listen & Respond
Listening to what your partner has to say and responding accordingly is the second step to setting healthy boundaries. Your boundaries might sound foreign and somewhat restrictive to your partner. For this reason listening to what your partner has to say and responding openly and honestly is necessary. This does not mean you let up on your boundaries. Instead, you listen and then explain why you feel or think the way you do about a particular issue. If your partner does not understand, try to explain further. You can also seek help if you are having difficulty explaining. Nonetheless, stand your ground.
Step 3: Communicate Respectfully
The third and final step is to communicate your boundaries respectfully. Sometimes we do not get the chance to share our boundaries until the person has crossed them. In these instances it is important to communicate respectfully what your boundaries are, and what triggered you to share them. On the other hand, if you have already shared your boundaries multiple times with your partner, yet he/she refuses to respect them here are a few things you can do:
Things to do if someone crosses our boundaries multiple times
- Set time to talk about it
- Restate your boundary in a positive way
- Talk about ways to move forward
- Hold them accountable and/or
- Consider a way to move on from the relationship
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