Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Turn Your Crisis Into An Opportunity
These times of quarantine, “social distancing,” and self-isolation are merely outward display of what many peoples lives are like normally. That is sad, but true. Similarly to the main character, Florentino Ariza, in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s classic novel, Love In The Time of The Cholera, many people wait an entire lifetime to experience love.
Most people work so much just to get ahead (or just survive) and tell themselves they will invest energy and time into finding a partner, “later” or “soon.” There is no “later” or “soon.” All we truly have is now.
Look in the mirror, and ask yourself, “what is the most important thing in life, in MY life?” Is it your career? Is it money? Or is it relationships? If you’re like most people you answered relationships. Because even with all the uncertainties, it is your relationships that will pull you through these difficult times.
How to Find Love In The Time of The Corona
If you were looking to improve your love life before COVID-19 you’re probably feeling more anxious today. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I don’t think a quarantine should stop you from finding love in the time of the Corona. Instead, this is the time to rethink your relationship goals. So, that if there is another catastrophe, you don’t have to be alone.
Turn these times of challenge and anxiety you might be experiencing, into an opportunity to commit your time and resources into what is truly important: love & relationships.
Finding Happily has resouces to help you on that journey, that commitment — to prioritize what is really most important in life: Love, and healthy happy relationships. Invest in that NOW.