7 Quick Tips to Cure What’s Complicating Your Relationship

If you have been feeling aggravated that your relationship isn't going well, do not stress! You can get expert assistance from a relationship coach  or you can cure what's complicating your relationship with these 7 quick tips. 1. Turn up the heat in the bedroom Figure out how to make the sex you have even  [...]

2018-08-30T09:34:51-07:00March 10th, 2015|Advice for Men, Advice for Women, Uncategorized|

Are You Using Apps Like Tinder? Snap Out of It

Since Tinder's launch in 2012, millions of people have flocked to this visually stimulating dating app, and despite the heavy criticism, people continue to swipe to the left or the right. However, if dating apps like Tinder give people the illusion of constant matches, it might be doing more harm than good to your dating [...]

2024-12-26T05:02:56-08:00January 20th, 2015|Advice for Men, Advice for Women|

Does the ‘Opposites Attract’ Rule Really Work in Relationships?

            Her idea of a romantic evening begins with dinner and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon at her favorite French restaurant. His idea of a romantic evening is stuffing himself over a home cooked meal that she prepared, followed by a night on the couch in front of another episode [...]

2017-06-06T09:26:33-07:00May 12th, 2014|Advice for Men, Advice for Women|

Why Guys Suddenly Reappear Several Weeks Later

After several seemingly great dates with a new guy, you finally feel like you’ve met someone you really enjoy spending time with. But, as soon as you settle on the idea of having this guy around for a while, the unthinkable happens. He pulls a sliding door routine: an opened window of opportunity that [...]

2024-12-26T04:17:44-08:00April 30th, 2014|Advice for Women|

What would life be like without fairy-tales?

When it comes to true love, does Disney have it right? Will my “Prince” or “Knight in shining armor” ride up on his splendid stallion and sweep me off my feet? Well, after one failed marriage, two unhealthy relationships and several bad dates, I think not.  I don’t mean to sound like a cynic  or [...]

2018-12-18T16:10:25-08:00September 26th, 2013|Advice for Women|

Life Can Be Challenging; Relationships Don’t Have to Be

Relationships don't have to be challenging All I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a princess. As a child, I would spend countless hours dressing up like a princess: dramatic electric colored dresses with matching sashes, hair combed into an elegant up-do and a stunning tiara placed atop my head. From a [...]

2018-12-18T16:37:20-08:00August 11th, 2013|Advice for Women|
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