7 Quick Tips to Cure What’s Complicating Your Relationship

2018-08-30T09:34:51-07:00March 10th, 2015|Advice for Men, Advice for Women, Uncategorized|

If you have been feeling aggravated that your relationship isn't going well, do not stress! You can get expert assistance from a relationship coach  or you can cure what's complicating your relationship with these 7 quick tips. 1. Turn up the heat in the bedroom Figure out how to make the sex you have even  [...]

Affirmations, Why They Work, And How to Use Them

2021-11-28T09:57:43-08:00January 28th, 2015|Uncategorized|

When most people decide to make a life altering change or achieve a goal, they use affirmations.  Affirmations are short powerful statements that are said to improve an individual’s health and overall well-being.  Affirmations also increase endorphins, the natural ‘feel-good’ chemicals released by our brains. Since the film, “The Secret,” some individuals don’t believe that [...]

Are You Using Apps Like Tinder? Snap Out of It

2022-05-14T12:23:07-07:00January 20th, 2015|Advice for Men, Advice for Women|

Embed from Getty Images Since Tinder's launch in 2012, millions of people have flocked to this visually stimulating dating app, and despite the heavy criticism, people continue to swipe to the left or the right. However, if dating apps like Tinder give people the illusion of constant matches, it might be doing more harm than [...]

Don’t Blame Others, Pick Up a Mirror

2017-03-14T12:03:34-07:00October 17th, 2014|Uncategorized|

  Do you know someone who is constantly blaming everyone else for his/hers misfortunes? Someone who is convinced and would like you and everyone around them to believe that every unfortunate situation that has happened to them is everyone’s fault, but their own? If so, then what you might want to know is that their [...]

Is Your Past Relationship Story True Like Gravity?

2017-03-14T12:03:35-07:00September 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|

If someone abandoned you, you're an abandonment waiting to happen because you will attract a person who will leave you because you yourself were abandoned. Human beings would rather be right than happy, even if being right means their suicide. People will always argue about their circumstances, seeking evidence to validate the things that they [...]

Does the ‘Opposites Attract’ Rule Really Work in Relationships?

2017-06-06T09:26:33-07:00May 12th, 2014|Advice for Men, Advice for Women|

            Her idea of a romantic evening begins with dinner and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon at her favorite French restaurant. His idea of a romantic evening is stuffing himself over a home cooked meal that she prepared, followed by a night on the couch in front of another episode [...]

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