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If you could improve your love life, how would you do it? It’s admirable to think that we can simply will ourselves to change something about ourselves. However, reality proves this is not very effective. For starters, Change alters our outer circumstances, thus helping us to make small steps to achieve our desired results. However, Transformation allows us to modify our core beliefs, which helps us replace our old behaviors with new ones.
If you’ve been doing the same thing over and over again, but you desire a different result, here are 5 proven strategies to leverage your love life this year!
Strategy 1: Release & Let Go
Acute fear is a normal (and helpful) response to a potential threat towards our physical, or emotional safety. However, chronic, or indirect fear about past events often closes us off to future positive opportunities.
Rather than defaulting to fear — learn how to use your fears, instead of allowing your fear to use you.
- Write down your worst past relationship story.
- Now standing in front of a mirror look deep into your eyes repeat the story out loud to yourself 100 times.
- During this process, it is important not to have any distractions as you repeat the story.
- After you have repeated the story 100 times uninterrupted, rewrite your story.
- Your new story should include what you wish you could have improved, changed or experienced.
- Now standing in front of a mirror look deep into your eyes and read the new story out loud.
- Practice this daily.
Strategy 2: Reframe The Past
If we can learn to leverage our past life events, we can use our past as a platform to change our future experiences.
- Think about your most recent past relationship — the good ones and the bad ones.
- Look at the experience as an event, but try not to personalize it.
- Looking at the event, ask yourself — what improvements could you make?
- Make the improvements in your mind.
- Now bring the event closer and see yourself in the new experience.
- Practice this daily
Strategy 3: Name It & Claim It
The words we speak have power. When we speak negatively about ourselves and others we are casting negative “word spells.” However, when we speak positively about ourselves and others, we cast “positive spells.” Therefore, we claim that which we name.
- Write down a list of the most important qualities you want in a relationship.
- Write down only what you want. Do not write down what you do not want.
- Sit down for five minutes and meditate on your list, focusing only on the positive.
- Standing in front of a mirror, look into your eyes and name the qualities you seek in a romantic partner.
- Thank GOD and the Universe for bringing forth what you want.
- Practice this daily
Strategy 4: Change Your Beliefs
“I am not worthy and deserving of love.” “There are no quality matches out there.” “True love doesn’t exist,” etc. Whatever your limiting-beliefs are about love, they are interfering with your ability to get the love you deserve and desire.
- Write down a list of common and uncommon beliefs you have about love.
- Looking at the list, scratch off the beliefs that are not true like gravity.
- Now, scratch off the beliefs that are not serving or helping you.
- Take out a new piece of paper and write down the beliefs you will need to attract love .
- Standing in front of a mirror look into your eyes and read the beliefs you need to attract love.
- Practice this daily
Strategy 5: Be Thankful & Grateful
Gratitude helps us to raise our vibrational frequency so that we are aligned with more of what we want. When you focus on all the bad things you attract more of what you do not want. However, when you focus on (and give thanks for) all the good, you attract even more good.
- Write down a list of all the good things you have to be grateful for.
- Do this process once in the morning, then at night and meditate on the feeling of gratitude
- Thank God for all that you have. Thank the Universe!
- Practice this daily
Start The Process Today!
If you are looking to find love this year, use these 5 proven strategies to leverage your love life. It is not enough to merely know the steps, you must take action and do the work. Relationships involve two people. Start on one of them right now — You!
If you want a more detailed action plan specific to your unique needs, get in touch with me and we can set up a Discovery Session. At the conclusion of that, I will create a unique and detailed action plan you can implement right now at the start of 2022.
Want to learn about how you may be getting in your own way of finding true love or, (more importantly) how to get out of your own way? Sign up now for the popular free webinar I have called, “5 Common Dating Mistakes (& How to Fix Them).
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I love hearing from all of you and receiving your emails, so please do share your stories. Also, if you have an any tips or advice that I did not share, feel free to email it to me at info@findinghappily.com.