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If “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” then attractiveness should be too. However, research has shown that since the Internet, (particularly social media), attractiveness has been redefined and based off of computer-generated images and algorithms.
If you have tried dating apps like Tinder, (where users swipe left on users they find unattractive and swipe right on users they find attractive), then you have probably noticed that people make split second decisions to decide whether they find someone attractive or not. However, we all know that it takes more than a glance, or an image to decide if we have a connection with someone.
10 Proven Ways to Boost Your Attractiveness Offline
If you are reading this post because you want to learn how to meet someone special, below are 10 proven ways to boost your attractiveness offline.

Use Confidence to Boost Your Attractiveness
One online, study suggests that people who were overconfident on their dating profile were not perceived as more attractive, but considered more arrogant. Yet, people who appeared confident offline were perceived as more attractive. Here are a few reasons why this might be the case:
- Confident people make us feel relaxed
- We receive compliments better from confident people
- Confident people appear more successful
- Confident people come across as more authentic
What to Do:
If you want to boost your attractiveness try appearing more confident. Being more confident is not about bragging or showing conceit. Confidence is about feeling good about who you are and your accomplishments. I talk more about ways to boost your confidence in my online Teachable Courses.

Have a Good Sense of Humor
A good sense of humor is subjective. Some people have a dry sense of humor. Some people have a slap stick sense of humor. However, people with a good sense of humor appear more attractive because they don’t take life too seriously. They understand that life has ups and downs, so they try not to wallow in the down times. People with a good sense of humor are the ones that make lemonade when someone hands them lemons.
What to do:
Lighten up, keep an open mind and laugh more. Life is too short to be too serious all the time.

Be Kind to Others
Have you ever noticed a beautiful looking person behave so ugly they appeared unattractive in your eyes? Perhaps they are the kind of person that does not say please, or thank you. Maybe they just behave rudely to strangers? On the other hand, people who are kindhearted appear attractive, because kind people make us feel good.
What to do:
If you are looking to boost your attractiveness offline be a little kinder to people, whether you meet them online or offline. A smile, or a kind word will boost your attractiveness instantly.

Smile More
Did you know that smiling will boost your attractiveness?
Below are five reasons why:
- Smiling is contagious. When someone sees you smiling they usually smile back.
- Smiling makes you feel good and releases endorphins which makes you appear more attractive.
- People who smile often appear happier, and everyone enjoys spending time around happy people.
- Demonstrating the teeth alone makes people believe that you are healthy.
- A smile is a social cue that you are open, available and approachable.

Be A Good Listener
Some of the most attractive people are the best listeners. People who listen don’t just listen passively, they really take in what people are saying. On the other hand, people who tend to wait their turn to speak, over-talk others, or are preoccupied when other people are talking, appear less attractive.
What to do:
If you’re looking to boost your attractiveness be a better listener. Learn how to really absorb what other people are saying when they are speaking. This will not only boost your attractiveness, but also allow you to respond appropriately and make a meaningful connection to those you are attracted to.

Step Up Your Passion
Passionate people are some of the most attractive people and here’s why:
- They come across confident and outgoing.
- Passionate people are extremely interesting
- They are enthusiastic and full of life.
- They have a way of drawing people into the exciting things they are doing.
What to do:
If you want to boost your attractiveness find things in your life that bring you passion. You can be passionate about a hobby, or your work. Whatever it is, do what you love with a passion.

Be Interesting
We all have that one friend, or have come across that one individual that appears like the most interesting person alive (wink). It could be their lifestyle, or just something about them that you can’t quite put your finger on.
Below are a few things you can do to convince others that you’re more fascinating than you really are:
- Follow your interest: Most people do what others do, but few do what really interests them. However, people that walk to the beat of their own drum and do what they love to do come across as interesting people.
- Be a good listener: Some of the most interesting people are the best listeners. Not only do they actively listen to what others have to say, but they also show genuine compassion and voice honest thoughts about a subject.
- Be a good storyteller: Interesting people are some of the best storytellers. When they speak or share a story they draw people in. Perhaps they have extensive vocabulary because they read a lot, or it could be because they are animated and passionate when they speak.
What to do:
To step up your storytelling techniques try reading aloud, or attend a Toastmaster’s group to amp up you public speaking.

Be Happy!
Out of all the proven ways to boost your attractiveness happiness should be at the top of your list. Happy people feel good, and when we feel good we look good. So, if you want to boost your attractiveness stop worrying and be happy. It’s not enough to pretend to be happy if you are not. You must genuinely feel the feelings of one who is happy.
Below are a couple of tips that might help:
- Look on the bright side: Even when you are having a bad day or things are not working out for you, try to find the good things in your life to be happy about. If you lost your job, think about all your good qualities you can share with a new employer, or start a new business.
- Do what you love: This moment is your life, so live it doing what you love. If you want to be married with children get out there and meet your soulmate. If you want to travel more, get a passport and plan a trip. Don’t wait for life to happen, start living!
- Happiness is a choice: Make a conscious choice each day to be happy no matter what! How you respond to life’s ups and downs is completely up to you. You can be happy or you can be sad. Sure, there are valid reasons to feel unhappy, but, how long you wallow in sadness and self-pity is completely up to you.

Improve Your Health
According to one study attractiveness correlates to good health. Therefore, people in relatively good shape, and have good skin, teeth, hair and nails are considered more desirable.
Below are a couple of things you can do:
- Being thin or skinny is not necessarily indicative of being in good health. However, being fit and feeling good about your body and your health will improve your attractiveness.
- Update your wardrobe by finding a stylist.
- If your skin is not doing so well, visit a dermatologist or check out your favorite YouTube influencer that shares some good skincare tips.
- Find a good Dentist to give you more than a few reasons to smile more.
- When you feel good inside it radiates outside, therefore eat nutritionally rich foods that feed your body and your mind. Don’t know what to cook? Find a good nutritionist or a YouTuber that shares some yummy healthy recipes.

Be More Giving
People who are giving are some of the most attractive people on the planet. For instance, people who volunteer or sign up to help others simply for the sake of making the world a better place are considered extremely attractive people. However, people who compromise themselves or self-respect are seen as less attractive.
What to do:
To appear more attractive give more where it matters, but do not sacrifice your happiness for the sake of being liked.
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