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My mother-in-law used to say, “You’re either lucky in love or lucky in money, but I didn’t get either one.”
Depressing, huh? But actually, this is how most people think; that it is “luck” that brings some people love but not others.
What most people don’t appreciate is that luck has very little to do with why some people fall in love and get married. It actually has more to do with our ability to manifest and attract love. For those ready to take a proactive approach, I recommend “Calling In The One,” as a guide to attracting meaningful connections.
Since manifesting requires you to intentionally think, act, and live in a way that ultimately leads to what you want, here are 5 steps to help you to manifest your soul mate and call in the one:
Step 1: Get clear about what you want and write it down.
If you want to meet your soulmate, then develop a detailed picture of what that person would be like (their qualities, characteristics, values, etc.). For more guidance on clarifying your vision, check out Calling in The One, which offers powerful exercises to help you define your desires.
Focus only on the positive attributes. Do not say things like, “I don’t want this,” or “I don’t want that.” Instead, create a positive vision of your soulmate and hold only that vision within your mind.
Step 2: Ask for what you want through prayer, meditation, affirmation and visualization.
(However, in order for this to work you will need to say exactly what you want).
One of the things that can help you with this step is, “The Affirmations Process Workbook.” I developed this workbook to help many of my clients. Affirmations are a great way to help you bring what you want deep into your subconscious mind, which in turn helps you manifest what you truly want into your life.
Step 3: Take actionable steps to help you reach your goals, then add them to your daily routine.
For instance, if you want to manifest your soulmate, open yourself up to meet new relationship prospects. This might be by creating a new profile on a dating app, joining a “Meetup Group,” or, hiring an experienced dating and relationship coach.
Another way to take actionable steps is to ask yourself questions that will help you align your thoughts with the desired outcome you seek. If your desire is to be married, or in a loving committed relationship, ask yourself, “What symbolizes this?” Is it an engagement ring, a wedding band, or is it living together? Do you have table settings for another person, or a second pillow and space for them where you sleep? Create space in your 3D world to make space for your future soulmate. If you are “calling in the one,” are you making room for them in your heart and your actual physical world and space?
The key in step 3 is to “feel into” your goals, because if your mind is unable to perceive it, you will not be able to achieve it.
Step 4: Be thankful and grateful for what you receive.
During step 4 you may not have manifested your soulmate quite yet. However, the key is to be grateful for every big (or small) achievement you have made towards your goal, regardless of your current visible circumstances.
Consider writing down all your achievements in a Gratitude Journal. For example, you receive a call from a friend that wants to set you up on a blind date with someone from their work, or you talk to a cute guy or gal at the coffee shop. Write it down in “The Gratitude Process Workbook.”
If you can keep an “attitude of gratitude,” it will be much easier for you to manifest your soulmate and “call in the one.” However, being ungrateful for what you have will often block you from receiving even more things to be thankful for.
Step 5: The final step to manifest your soulmate and “call in the one” is simply this — release and let go.
Let go of any thoughts, limiting beliefs, conjectures, myths and stories that cloud your vision – especially your personal fears and negative self-talk.
Much of what you want is not really about the “wanting” of it. So much of it is the believing that what you want is already yours! You cannot “want yourself” into manifesting your soulmate. You have to believe your soulmate is already yours — and on their way to you already.
If your conscious mind is not aligned with your subconscious thinking you will not be able to manifest your soulmate. Why? Because most of us act out of our subconscious behaviors, not our conscious ones. So, if your internal dialogue keeps telling you that “finding love is hard,” that is the experience you will create for yourself in your actual reality.
In order to release and let go of your limiting beliefs you must first identify what they are. To do this you can first ask yourself, “What is the story or belief I have about myself and what is stopping me from manifesting my soulmate?” Once you have this answer, write it down. Then, replace that with your new belief — articulated as a positive affirmation. You can use, “The Affirmation Workbook” to help along with this process.
Final Thoughts
The only thing stopping you from manifesting your soulmate and “calling in the one,” is YOU! If you can visualize what you want in your mind, you will experience it in your life. You do not have to go out and try to meet the right person. Usually when we try to meet the “right person,” we end up meeting the wrong person. Why? Because, those that go out there “searching for love” only tend to manifest their own lovelessness. Only the loving find love and they don’t “search for it,” — they attract it. So, let’s get to work! You have some manifesting to do.
I love hearing from all of you and receiving your emails, so please do share your stories. Also, if you have an any tips or advice that I did not share, feel free to email it to me at info@findinghappily.com.