As COVID-19 restrictions continue to open up you might be thinking about turning to dating sites or apps to find love. However, before you swipe right to meet your match below are some of the dangers of dating apps and how to avoid them.
Hidden Dangers of Dating Apps
The use of dating apps have grown progressively more favorable over the past year due to the global health pandemic. With quarantines and social distancing people have looked to dating apps as a way to connect with romantic prospects. Dating apps can be a useful tool. However, there are a few hidden dangers of dating apps you should be aware of:

Known Sex Offenders Use Dating Apps
Sex offenders use dating apps and sites to target people. And, while a few dating sites like Match (which also provides an app for its users), uses a screening process for its paid subscribers to weed out sex offenders. Sites like Tinder, OkCupid or PlentyofFish do not have any such protocol. Nor is there any such protocol for Match’s free users.
Dating App Users Have a Tendency to Lie
Lying is one of the most hated aspects of online dating. People lie about all types of things, ranging from age, appearance and relationship status. According to Kaspersky survey, half of online daters lie. And, Cornell University found that the US has the highest percentage of dating app liars.
Cyber Attacks & Scammers Use Dating Apps
People that use online dating sites and apps are twice as likely to experience cyber hacks than non users. Unfortunately the security measures dating apps have protect the company, however not so much it’s users.
Criminal Activity Via Dating Apps
In the last four years, there has been a significant increase in sexual assaults, murders and robberies due to dating app connections. Just last month, a man named Andre Warner was convicted and sentenced to death for his part in a dating app murder. And, two years earlier, a man was sentenced to death after murdering Sydney Loofe whom he met on Tinder.
How to Safely Meet Matches Online or Via Dating Apps

As I mentioned earlier, online dating and dating apps can be useful tools. However, as with most tools, knowing how to use them properly is what determines how useful they will be. So, that you have a positive dating app experience here are a few things you can do to assure your safety:
Do Your Homework
Choose a dating app or dating site that cares about their users. Be sure to choose an app that screens for sex predators or does background checks to scan for violent offenders. Also, consider becoming a paid subscriber since many of the dating apps that offer screenings only do so for their paid subscribers.
Schedule a Virtual 1st Date
Instead of scheduling an in person first date, schedule your first date via Zoom. Due to social distancing, people are open to connecting via a virtual date. You can schedule a coffee hangout, dinner or just talk. Scheduling a virtual hangout will give you a chance to see the other person, ask questions and pick up on social cues or red flags.
Never Give Out Your Personal Information
Never, ever tell someone you met through a dating app or online dating site where you live. At one time it was proper to allow a suitor to pick you up and drop you off at your home. However, it is no longer safe. Also, never send your credit card info, and or money to anyone you meet on a dating app, no matter how sad the story is they tell you.
Choose A Safe Location
After you meet someone via a dating app choosing the right location is key. Never get into someone’s car or agree to go for a ride in his/her car no matter how cool the car is. Also, choose a meeting place that is far enough from your home, but close enough for you to afford an Uber ride home. You also do not want to meet at a location you frequent. Doing so can make it easier for the person to stalk you in the future.
Share Your Experience
These are a just few of the dangers of dating apps and how to avoid them. There are others, however I listed the highest potential dating app risks. Also, if you are looking online dating help or support, I offer s service that can help. Click here to review it.
Whether you choose to meet through a dating app, online dating or organic dating, the key is to have fun, and be safe!
Lastly, I’d love to hear about your dating app experience. Have you had any weird or unfavorable online dating or dating app experiences? How did you handle them, and what did you do to stay safe? Please share your thoughts by emailing me at