Finding Love Without Borders

3_Ways_To_Find_Love_Outside_The_BoxIn this article I will show you show you 3 ways to find love outside the box.  Finding love outside the box is more than simply doing things differently.  It means approaching your dating problems with new thoughts and new perspectives; trying out unconventional ways to meet someone new, and using different dating strategies that you have never tried.

Consider this:  Your inner emotions is like a box, and in it you store your deepest feelings and emotions.  Occasionally, you may open your box up and let someone get a peek at what’s inside.  But, mostly you keep your box to yourself and rarely share what’s inside with anyone else.  On the rare occasion you do share what’s inside your box, it is only with people you feel very close to.

Once you fall in love things are different.  Instead of having a private box with only one key, you now have two keys allowing the person in your life to have access to what’s inside.  You now share one emotional box.  This is called being in love. And, if your partner decides to share some of the contents of the box with other people, you will have to believe that he/she is allowing access to someone he/she deems worthy.  This is called trust.

3 Ways to Find Love Outside The Box

New Perspectives:

Sometimes past failed relationships can ruin new relationship before it begins.  However, if you cannot get over a bad relationship, grow from it.   Adopting a new perspective can help.  Not only does this help you gain a new love, but you also you will gain confidence, and a better outlook on life.


If your old way of meeting new relationship prospects is not working, get rid of it.  Doing the same ole same ole expecting a different result is just plane ole crazy.  So, instead of using the old tricks, tips and tactics to catch a new fish.  Ditch the rod and the bate and try a new approach.

For instance: If you’re not meeting serious matches at bars, bring out your creative side by signing up for a language class.  You can learn a new language, and meet someone who can say “I Love You,” in seven other languages.

There are plenty of unconventional ways to meet people.  All you have to do is choose one.  Don’t have any ideas of your own?  Not to worry! Here’s a link with 50 cool and unconventional places to meet people when you’re sick of trying to meet people in a bar.

Different Approaches:

If you’re stuck in a dating rut or your relationships end too soon, use a different approach.  And, I do not mean different as in changing who you are.  Or pretending to be someone you are not.  I mean getting a whole new attitude.

So, instead of telling yourself stories that don’t serve you, such as: I am single because I am not perfect, fit or rich.  Change your story to something that is also true about you.  For instance: If you have beautiful eyes, or gorgeous hair, but you feel you’re a bit over weight, focus on the attribute that shines a better light on you.  There is no reason to put yourself down or validate anyone’s negative story about you.  Your opinion of you is the only one that matters.

In short, if you want to find love these are just a few things you can do.  There are plenty of  other things you can try such as hiring a matchmaker or attending a dating seminar.  A matchmaker can help you choose different partners than the ones you keep choosing for yourself.  While a dating seminar can provide you with new takeaway tools and dating techniques.  Whatever you do, just choose something that is new and feels right to you.  If you cannot come up with any new ideas on your own be sure to download my Finding Happily Dating & Relationship Action Plan to help get you started.

Collette Gee is an International Dating Expert, Relationship Specialist and Author of “Finding Happily, No Rules, No Frogs, No Pretending.” Collette works with men and women, helping them to create and sustain meaningful romantic relationships. Click Here to Learn More