stop wasting your money on dating apps and dating sites

Everyday millions of people sign onto dating apps and dating sites in hopes of meeting their soulmate.  However, I do not think dating apps or dating sites work for everyone. Nor are dating apps the end all cure to finding love.

In this article I will explain why you should stop wasting your money on dating apps and dating sites.  However, feel free to watch the video below for more details. 

Why Dating Apps and Dating Sites Don’t Work

Dating apps and dating sites are  tools that can help you gain more exposure to dating prospects.  Yet, most people use them as a substitute instead of an aid.  Many people subscribe to dating apps or dating sites because  they believe they will find love through the smorgasbord of online possibilities.  Instead, what most people find are tons of profiles that don’t match their values or meet their standards.

Another major issue with dating apps and online dating sites is that most people don’t chose people for who they are, but rather for what they are.  Dating services promise something they cannot deliver.  They set people up for failure because they lead people to believe they can do something for them that they are not going to do.  Dating apps and dating sites are not matching people based on what they want.  They match people based on their weight, height, where they live, their age and their political and spiritual background. Therefore people may appear to fit a persons needs, but do they meet the values that matter most.  On the surface it may appear that people are meeting their match.  However, they are only meeting who the person is on the surface, not who they are below the surface.  You can learn to navigate this pitfall through my Online Dating Strategy, Setup and Support Program.  Tap the link to learn more.

Stop Wasting Your Money On Dating Apps and Dating Sites

Perhaps, single people that use dating apps and dating sites do so because subconsciously they want to be single. Otherwise they might find a more realistic option to dating.  For instance, most people log onto a dating app or dating site believing that Mr. or Mrs. Right will show up on the screen.  But, this method is unrealistic because dating requires action.  The same amount of action is required if you were you looking for a job or a new place to live.  Sure, you might use an online platform to connect you.  But, then you might also hire a recruiter or a realtor to further help.  You might even go directly to the business you want to work for or search for rent signs in the neighborhood you want to live in.   Dating apps and dating sites are no different.

Dating Apps & Dating Sites Are One Sided, Here’s Why:

On dating apps and dating sites men and women behave very differently.  Ladies, are looking to attract a man that makes them feel good, while men are looking for someone physically appealing. Since dating apps and dating sites primary focus is based on what things look like, it’s safe to assume they are built for men by men.  Healthy relationships require a balance of what things look like and feel like.  And, since the focus is on appearances, dating apps and dating sites appear to be one sided.

No Luck With Dating Apps

Share Your Thoughts

If you are not going to use dating apps and sites as tools stop wasting your money and your time.  Dating requires that you actively put yourself out there in order to meet someone new.  Therefore if you are scrolling behind a computer screen or swiping left or right you are not dating, you are searching.  Sure, you can connect with someone using these formats.  Only if, however, you are going to use an organic method of dating at the same time.  There is a method to online dating and dating apps.  Sadly most people do not know how to use it.  In my Find Your Happily Dating Courses, I share some offline methods to meet eligible and worthy matches.  Sign up to watch my FREE Training Webinar for more details.  

One more thing!  I would love to hear from you so please do share what dating apps you are using.  Have you had success?  And, what are the best dating apps or dating sites in your opinion and why?  Please share your response by emailing me at 

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